Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Use-case Diagram

Object Oriented Analysis and Design Tutorial – Week 4&5 – Chapter 5 End of Chapter 1. Why is business process modeling important? 2. What is the purpose of a fork node? 3. How do you create use cases? 4. How do you create use case diagrams? 5. Give two examples of the extend associations on a use case diagram. Give two examples for the include association. 6. What is the purpose of an activity diagram? Your Turn 5-2 Use Cases Look at the activity diagram for the appointment system in Figure 5-2 and the use case that was created in Figure 5-5.Create your own use case based on an activity in the activity diagram or the activity that you created in Your Turn 5-1. Use Figure 5-6 to guide your efforts. 5-3 Use Case Diagram Look at the use-case diagram in Figure 5-10. Consider if a use case were added to maintain patient insurance information. Make assumptions about the details of this use case and add it to the existing use-case diagram in Figure 5-10. The only required chan ge to the existing diagram would be the addition of the new use case.It would be labeled â€Å"Maintain Patient Insurance Information† and would be linked to both the â€Å"Create New Patient† and â€Å"Make Payment Arrangements† use cases using associations. 5-5 Campus Housing Create a set of use cases for the following high-level processes in a housing system run by the campus housing service. The campus housing service helps students find apartments. Apartment owners fill in information forms about the rental units they have available (e. g. , location, number of bedrooms, monthly rent), which are then entered into a database.Students can search through this database via the Web to find apartments that meet their needs (e. g. , a two-bedroom apartment for $400 or less per month within a half mile of campus). They then contact the apartment owners directly to see the apartment and possibly rent it. Apartment owners call the service to delete their listing when they have rented their apartment(s). 5-6 Drawing a Use-Case Diagram In Your Turn 5-5, you identified use cases for a campus housing service that helps students find apartments. Based on those use cases, create a use-case diagram. ExercisesA. Create an activity diagram and a set of detail use case descriptions for the process of buying glasses from the viewpoint of the patient, but do not bother to identify the flow of events within each use case. The first step is to see an eye doctor who will give you a prescription. Once you have a prescription, you go to a glasses store, where you select your frames and place the order for your glasses. Once the glasses have been made, you return to the store for a fitting and pay for the glasses. B. Draw a use case diagram for the process of buying glasses in Exercise A.C. Create an activity diagram and a set of detail use case descriptions for the following dentist office system, but do not bother to identify the flow of events within each use case. Whenever new patients are seen for the first time, they complete a patient information form that asks their name, address, phone number and brief medical history, which are stored in the patient information file. When a patient calls to schedule a new appointment or change an existing appointment, the receptionist checks the appointment file for an available time.Once a good time is found for the patient, the appointment is scheduled. If the patient is a new patient, an incomplete entry is made in the patient file; the full information will be collected when they arrive for their appointment. Because appointments are often made so far in advance, the receptionist usually mails a reminder postcard to each patient two weeks before their appointment. D. Draw a use case diagram for the dentist office system in Exercise C.

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